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The Untold Story of 2012!

Saturday, July 2, 2011


     Republicans constantly try to bash Democrats for being in favor of "job killing" taxes and regulation.  However, what is the basis for these attacks?  Companies are making billions of dollars today in profits while workers wages remain stagnant.  Is it really fair that a hard-working underling is paid 30,000 a year while the boss is paid over a million  a year when without the underlings there would be no business and profits!  I have no problem with people being compensated well, but employees should be treated fairly.
       With regards to regulation, it is beyond absurd to assert that regulation is too brudensome.  Recently, Americans have experienced disasters such as the BP oil spill, the West Virginia mining disaster, as well as the recent financial crisis.  And it seems regularly there are cases on the news of eggs or peanut butter or spinach being infected with Salmonella.  This does not mention the pollution of rivers or the air.  Recently ExxonMobil spilled oil into the Yellowstone River.  Another example of intellectually bankrupt Republican politics!

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