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The Untold Story of 2012!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Why America Does Not Need Another Conservative Texan

           Haven't we tried this experiment before?  George W. Bush was given a fiscally sound government and completely bankrupted it.  Huge tax cuts for the rich, a prescription drug bill, a new Department of Homeland Security, No Child Left Behind, and two wars that were all not paid for.  America's reputation was ruined around the world.  Torture was temporarily legalized.  And same-sex marriage was used as a wedge issue to turn out bigoted voters.  These are just a view of the problems that the former President caused.

          Now let us turn to Rick Perry.  In his book published last year,  "Fed Up: Our Fight to Save America From Washington, he espouses some very indefensible positions.  Recall that during the health care debates he made national headlines for saying that Texas should secede from the Union if the federal government did not stop overstepping boundaries.  Therefore it is not surprising in his book that he says the New Deal and the National Income taxes are both "marches toward socialism" and should be rolled back.  He denies evolution and global warming, saying that it is just natural cycles of the earth to the latter and intelligent design is the better explanation to the former.  

       The common thread that unites Rick Perry and George Bush is that they both let their ideology shape what they perceive to be true or false, rather than letting what is true or false shape their ideology.   The National Academy of Sciences and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change both have said it is HIGHLY probable that the vast increases in the earth's overall temperature are due to human activity.  Evolution is accepted by virtually every reputable scientist of any kind in the world.  But Perry and Bush both denied these findings because they do not want to face what is happening around them.  It is a curious phenomenon that conservatives like Bush and Perry deny global warming, even though it is not a partisan issue whether it is actually occurring.  It just is, and dealing with is what the debate should be about, not whether it is happening at all.  That is the height of willful ignorance.

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