I'm going to begin by being completely honest and say I have not followed this story closely. Casey Anthony was only convicted of 4 misdemeanors for misleading the police. However, there was no physical evidence linking Casey to Caylee's death. The jury felt they had "reasonable doubt". Therefore they decided not to charge her with the death penalty. I think that is the right call in this case. In fact, I think it's the right call in every case not to ever sentence someone to death.
There have been many cases in the past where innocent people have been wrongly convicted. It's conceivable these wrongly convicted persons were then executed by the state they lived in. Why the need for blood and vengeance? Justice should be about reforming offenders as much as possible and showing that society does not tolerate certain behaviors. It should not be about state-sanctioned unjustified murder. Murder is only justified in the case of self-defense, directly with something such as a robbery, and indirectly with something like war. The state clearly does not have to murder someone in cold blood to defend itself. Therefore the death penalty needs to go the way of the horse and buggy.
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