Herman Cain, the former CEO of Godfather's pizza and current Republican Presidential nominee, said in an interview on Fox News Sunday that any community that disapproves of a Mosque has the right to ban it. He also made a very interesting argument for the separation of church and state, "Islam combines church and state. They're using the church part of our First Amendment to infuse their morals in that community, and the people of that community do not like it. They disagree with it."
What is striking to me about this description of Islam is that it can apply to many portions of Christianity in America today. Many conservative pastors today speak out against "god-less liberalism" and claim that Republicans are the candidates that must be supported because they align with "Christian values." Putting aside the fact that Jesus would never have supported a party that was so in bed with corporations it lost sight of actual reality, they are claiming that their religion guides them in voting, and if the Republicans do win, they expect them to support the right-wing conservative Christian agenda of outright discrimination against homosexuals and draconian restrictions on women's reproductive rights because of a belief that life begins at conception, all the whole not defining life and going against the scientific evidence. If this is not infusion of church and state, I don't know what is!
I cannot imagine a Republican coming out and saying, conservative Christians have too much influence in our government. They push for discrimination against homosexuals, restricting women's reproductive rights, banning stem cell research that has the potential to save millions, and push lies that intelligent design is a viable "alternative" to evolution. I only ask for consistency.
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