In an interview on CNN today, Rand Paul did what any good politician would do; he avoided answering a question by going off topic, similar to what Sarah Palin did in the Vice Presidential debates when she said that she didn't want to talk about what the moderator asked, she wanted to talk about what the "American people" cared about. He was asked whether the Tea Party was overreaching after achieving many of their goals, yet refusing to compromise (I think he was hinting at tax increases even though he did not directly say it).
This is a very difficult question for Republicans who are trying not to look like childish obstructionists who insist on getting every single thing they want from a deal and not giving anything back in return, and even risking a default by the United States if they do not get their way. So for him to avoid the question is completely understandable. However, it does not change the reality that the Tea Party has NOT been a positive force in the United States government. They are against people who need help the most, and favor the interests who need it the least.
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