Cornyn believes that in order to get a deal, Republicans do not have to compromise at all!!! He says there can be no tax cuts, only spending increases. This is the same thing McCain and all other Republicans have been running around saying. I don't see how this is true negotiation. Even if taxes should not be raised during the recovery, what about after? Republicans do not even seem to be willing to do that. Extreme intellectual dishonesty at it's finest.
Round table discussion. Top fundraiser is Mitt Romney at 15-20 million. Chris Stirewalt says Obama is seen as the winner because he is the incumbent and can raise a lot. Nina Easton says that it's bad news for Pawlenty and that Obama has raised 60 million so far. It will be like 2008 where Obama outspends the Republican challenger. Bill Kristol says money is overrated because John McCain would've lost even if he had 7 billion dollars. Says Hillary Clinton had out raised Obama in 2007 by this time and she didn't end up winning. Money can be raised very quickly. Kristen Powers says money matters less if you are already well known, but for someone who isn't money matters a lot. Agrees Obama has the incumbent money-raising advantage. Nina Easton says Obama has labor leaders to fund him. Joe Biden clip says that if union leaders vote Republican, they shouldn't come crying to him for help. Kristen Powers says Obama built own organization in 2008 so he didn't really need big union support. Chris Stirewalt says Obama does not have the same grass-roots support that he did in 2008. He will need more money from traditional sources. Bill Kristol says 40% of unions voted Republican and a Republican candidate could possibly win them. Nina Easton agrees Republicans could possibly get unions also.
With funding, I think public financing would fix a lot of the problems with our system. Money should not be buying politicians. Campaigns should be about issues, and both sides should be given the same amount of money. Then if people want to have their voice heard, they can volunteer for whatever campaign they choose.
Next discussion is the debt-ceiling negotiations. Bill Kristol says that it doesn't seem compromise is reasonable with such sharp divisions. He says moderate spending cuts and then make 2012 about whether 2008 or 2012 vision is correct. Nina Easton says that Obama scolds people a lot, such as with the Supreme Court or the speech about the budget with Republicans. He also scolded Congress as a whole about not getting a deal done. She says it doesn't make people like him. Chris Stirewalt says he could have a deal anytime he wanted, but markets and re-elections are pressuring him. Already a partial deal on the plate. Doesn't want to do that because he wants it done before elections and he was hurt by extending the Bush tax cuts with his base. Kristen Powers says that if Obama caves on the debt-ceiling talks then it will be the third time he caved with the tax cuts and government shutdown. Also says many Tea Parties don't believe the August 2nd deadline is even real. Chris Stirewalt says they can extend ceiling by days or dollars. Bill Kristol says that there will be a mini-deal and some members of Congress will oppose any deal. If it is kicked down the road, a Republican Presidential nominee will be weighing in. Nina Easton says they can't just not allow tax increases, there has to be tax reform also, reducing rates and closing loopholes. Chris Stirewalt says Obama could've done a big deal 6 months ago and didn't and now nothing big will happen until the election. Kristen Powers says that tax code reform may be up for debate in the future.
This analysis seems to be on the spot in that there is probably not going to be a MAJOR deal to come out of this fight. However, it would be nice if the Republicans began acting like adults and would actually put moderate tax increases on the table. The politics of how this is playing out will be interesting. Who will the public blame more? Will Obama be seen as a moderating middle or be seen as being unfair?
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