Tom Coburn, a Republican Senator from Oklahoma (the state I happen to live in), has caused some controversy for his comments at a town hall meeting recently. He said "It's just a good thing I can't pack a gun on the Senate floor." This comes on the heels of the fort hood shooter and Gabrielle Giffords, the Democrat from Arizona who was shot, returning to Congress for a vote on the debt-ceiling. This enough shows a lack of sensitivity to the situation America is in with regards to violence. His statement implies if he had a gun on the Senate floor he would have actually shot people, which is disgusting. However, that is not the worst thing he said.
Coburn was asked by a constituent whether or not he thought Obama was trying to destroy America. Coburn said no that Obama was a smart guy, but that he had a problem. He said Obama being African American meant he had a "tremendous advantage" from the government. Going further, he said Obama's "intent is not to destroy, his intent is to create dependency because it worked so well for him," It is difficult to determine exactly what this means. However, that it seems to be implying is this. Obama is a black man, and this means he had advantages from the government to help him succeed. As if all black men are dependent on the government, and getting help from the government is somehow a bad thing to do. And it's factually false Obama depended on the government. Obama went to Harvard law school, something not many people, white black Hispanic anything, are able to accomplish. He also managed to get elected President of the United States without having his daddy pave the way for him. Perhaps it was the previous President who was "dependent on others for his 'accomplishments."
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