Jerry Buell, a Florida high school teacher who won "Teacher of the Year," has been caught in engaging in hate speech towards homosexual Americans. On his facebook page, he said "If they want to call it a union, go ahead, but don't insult a man and woman's marriage by throwing it in the same cesspool as same-sex whatever!God will not be mocked. When did this sin become acceptable???" Some of his facebook friends saw the post and decided to push back, which caused Mr. Buell to respond saying "If one doesn't like the most recently posted opinion, based on Biblical principals and God's law, then go ahead and un-friend me. I'll miss you like I miss my kidney stone from 1994." Buell is now suspended. He is crying foul saying he was just exercising his first amendment rights to free speech and that it was not done on school property. However, a thought experiment will show just how wrong-headed he is.
Imagine for a moment this was the EXACT same situation, except that it was about interracial marriage, which at one time in U.S. history was widely opposed. If someone in the modern day were to post that seeing an African American and a Caucasian getting married made him sick and said the union should not be recognized the same way marriages of the same race are, would not there be a justifiable reaction of outrage from the community? The man would end up being fired, and the school would be better off as a result. However, because it is homosexuality and many people still hold bigoted ignorant views, people like him are not scorned as badly as they deserve to be. I am calling for his resignation immediately.
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