Greg Gutfeld and Bob Beckel, two of the hosst of the show that replaced Glenn Beck on Fox News known as "The Five," admitted to Politico that they have not gone after Sarah Palin the way they would have if she did not work at Fox. Gutfeld said , "And if I say something bad and I see her in the hallway I feel really awkward and wrong. So I just kind of say, ‘that was a good job!'" Beckel said, "It has everything to do with your paycheck. That’s why you feel awkward. I know exactly what you mean. I’ll be honest, I’ve pulled my punches.” These two guys admitting this means there are most likely more who share their beliefs.
Has the entire news organization actually done it? Palin probably boosts ratings for the company. So there would be an incentive to not mess that up. O'Reilly has become annoyed with her in the past but never actually called her out. To what extent are these people censoring themselves? And are they being forced to do it by Roger Ailes or is it self-imposed censorship? It's hard to tell, but if the people at Fox News really are about being "fair and balanced" as they claim, then they will dust off the intellectually dishonest past and go after Palin the way only Fixed News can.
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