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The Untold Story of 2012!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Republican Hypocrisy Reigns Supreme

               Michelle Bachmann, the Republican presidential nominee that has a history of gay bashing and hypocrisy, is in the spotlight for hypocrisy again.  This time it is for Obama's stimulus.  As she openly bashed it to the media and the public, in private she was asking for funds for her district.  Of all places to be called out, Fox News Sunday, with Chris Wallace, she was asked about it.  She claimed there was no discrepancy.  George Orwell could point to her as an example of an individual that consistently doublethinks on many issues.  But she isn't the only one.

             114 Republicans in Congress, including some leaders such as John Boehner, asked for stimulus funds for their particular districts while saying in public it was a complete failure. (even though reputable economists have examined it and determined it was not).   Republican Hypocrisy.   This shows just how intellectually dishonest the party of no really is.  In the past they supported certain policies, like cap and trade (John McCain in 2008) and many in Congress supported a deficit commission.  But as soon as President Obama decides it's a good idea, the Republicans decide it's time to play politics and oppose him.

             David Brooks, a conservative columnist for the New York times, a few weeks ago warned the Republican party that if they did not cooperate on reasonable compromise, they run the risk of turning into a "psychological protest" movement.  Bachmann is clearly not heeding his advice.  Her farm has received government money, as well as her pray the gay away "psychological" clinic (which should definitely not be receiving any federal funding at all, with it's right-wing conservative Christian orientation).  Perhaps Bachmann will wise up and figure out how bad she looks to people who actually use their mind when looking at politics and change her tune.  However, if Orwell is right it will never happen, and her supporters will go on believing the lie that she thinks government is too big when she consistently has used this out of control big government to fund things she found important.

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