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The Untold Story of 2012!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Palin Shows Stupidity Again

          Sarah Palin is not widely known for her intellectual prowess.  During the 2008 Presidential campaign she gave incoherent answers to questions about the bailout and when asked by Katie Couric what regular newspapers she said, she said "all of them," and then did not give any specific ones when pressed.  She was part of a major push to try to tie Obama to Bill Ayers, who was part of the Weather Underground in the 1960s by saying Obama palled around with terrorists.  The racism in the campaign was absurd.  She has made another idiotic statement again.  On Fox News "Hannity" she said in response to people who said the Tea Party were acting like terrorists by acting like children and holding up the debt-ceiling debates and risking default, "If we were real domestic terrorists, President Obama would be wanting to pal around with us, wouldn't he? He didn't have a problem palling around with Bill Ayers back in the day when he kicked off his political career."

       Again Palin tries to do this discredited claim.  It has been fact checked by reputable organizations and found to be false.  The Tea Party acted as though that the nation defaulting was a good thing and if they did not get their spending cuts and no tax increases they would ensure it occurred.  It would have been a deliberate attempt to harm the nation's economy.  Perhaps Palin should have thought about the ramifications of what many in the Tea Party were proposing before she tried to unsuccessfully tie Obama to terrorists again.  Then it would be obvious who was trying to inflict intentional harm on America.

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